As a faculty member who taught future educators (e.g. teachers, principals, school counselors, school psychologists, etc.) about personal and organizational change, Dr. Gamble found the most challenging aspect was to teach people about how to make goals that meet the needs of the students and/or colleagues for maximum outcomes.
From the beginning |
Where am I now? |
As a child in school, he struggled with behavior and often ended up the principal's office. He always knew he wanted to be a school psychologist, even when he did not know anything about school psychology. He resolved to find a job that would help him support kids who were sent out of class for their behavior and get them back to the classroom.
He currently works at his alma mater as the Dean of Student Success and helps faculty support student's efforts to reach academic and career goals, as well as develop organizational goals. Educational psychology programs, now often called, organizational change programs focus on motivation, goals, planning, and changing large groups or organizations for the benefit of society. He looks forward to sharing what he has learned about meeting goals with you!
Leaders Who I have Consulted With
As as consultant, he has developed strong mental health and cultural competence planning with goals for principals, school psychologists, and other administrators. Also, with universities regarding leadership in justice, equity, and diversity. He has also consulted with fraternity and sorority members regarding mental health and wellness.